Wellington Florida Events | Week of October 10th, 2016

Hopefully Wellington’s FREE Events will happen this week! This weeks events include the Wellington Food Truck Invasion, a FREE Concert and the Wellington Home Show. To find out what day and times the FREE Wellington events are taking place for the week of October 10th, 2016 scroll down.

Wellington Florida Events | Week of October 10th, 2016


WHEN: THURSDAY, October 13th, 2016

TIME: THURSDAY: 5:00pm-9:30pm (Food Truck)

6:30pm (Concert)

WHERE: Wellington Florida Amphitheater

COST: FREE Admission

Wellington’s popular Food Truck Invasion will be taking place this Thursday starting at 5:00pm and a FREE Concert at 6:30pm. Sit back, relax and enjoy an array of food with your friends as you listen to a great performance by Melinda Elena. As usual there will be countless food trucks to choose from and don’t forget to bring setting.


WHEN: SATURDAY, October 15th, 2016

TIME: 10:00am to 5:00pm

WHERE: Wellington Florida Amphitheater

COST: FREE Admission

Don’t miss the Wellington Home Show taking place this Saturday at the Wellington Amphitheater. 100 local exhibitors who can fix, update or completely remodel your home will be in attendance.


*Please note events may be changed or cancelled without notice. For more information call 561-753-2484

For more information call 561-753-2484

Wellington Florida Events | Week of October 10th, 2016
